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Foamboard Spitfire Build

AREA17 Foam-board Spitfire (Night Flyer Addition) Find us on Facebook    AREA17 General notes: Steamers are typically attached to the fin with sticky tape. The 4th channel rudder is optional and not required, bank and yank. The optional carbon wing spar blade is not needed with the standard 3s setup. CoG on Wing Spar (65mm from leading edge) Tools Required * Sharp Blade                * Clear tape * Ball Point Pen             * Optional 10mm x 0.5mm carbon blade * Hot Glue Gun             * Icy pole sticks * Z Bender's for linkages * Set Square Hardware Required to Finish * Motor Brushless 4mm shaft 2836 around 1400/1500kv 8x6 CCW prop (looking for 180-230 watts) * 4 x3mmx12mm screws and nuts for mounting the motor. * 4mm bamboo skewers to hold motor pod * 1800-2200 mah 3s lipo min 40c Not suitable for 4s without the carbon wing blade..... * 40 amp 3s ESC with BEC * 3 Mini servos 1.6kg to about 2.6kg or 4 with an optional rudder eg MG90s/HXT900 / EMAX ES08A/   * 3x300m